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Astrolavos Marine Lubricants* module is a dedicated software system specifically designed for the maritime industry to monitor and control marine lubricating costs for individual vessels or the whole fleet.

Increasing raw material costs and growing shortages of marine lubricants with a critical supply situation in the international marine lube oils market will always remain a cause for concern, with prices set to rise still further.

The software will not only assist you in controlling costs and consumptions but also rebates and commissions whether for individual orders, supplier or port beneficial lifting’s and annual bulk rebates.


  1. Minimise costs
  2. Improve inventory management
  3. Opportunity for accurate and enhanced planning
  4. Consumption control
  5. Minimal user data entry
  6. Complete and easy search utilities
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Astrolavos Marine Lubricants
module comes with a range of multiple reports and matrixes to ensure that you have absolute control of supplies in specific areas, minimising operating costs, consumptions and assisting you in meeting regulatory and environmental requirements relating to sulphur limits.
Comparison Reports
by ship, sister vessels, engine types, auxiliary machinery, by type and grade, total purchases and consumptions and costs per liter per day, for specific periods/years and group totals
Consumption Reports
by ship, by grade, by liter units and total costs with cost per liter and group totals. Consumed lubricants per vessel together with comparison with previous year.
Orders and Purchases Reports
for specific period and order number, liters and total costs, lifting’s per port in liters, number of orders and total costs. Lifting’s per vessel in liters, by grade, total costs, and cost per liter. Purchases by grade across the fleet and by individual vessel in liters, total costs and cost per liter.
Purchases by Supplier
by grade, by individual vessel in liters, total costs and cost per liter Port Analysis – of purchases by ship, grade, supplier, purchase order, invoice date, by individual vessel in liters, total costs, and cost per liter.
ROB Reports
Remaining on Board report by vessel, by grade, by port lifting’s on a FIFO basis, total liters and cots and cost per liter.